Your Source for Insurance Advice and Protection Since 1909 - Call to Revew Your Coverage - Medford, MA: 781-396-4900 - Winchester, MA: 781-729-3400

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The content of this website, web log and/or blog is offered only for general informational and educational purposes. The website and content are not offered nor intended as a replacement for professional advice. Although it is our intention to keep this information current, J.J. Ruddy Insurance Agency, Inc. makes no warranty, promise or guarantee that the information is correct, complete, or up-to-date.

This information does not constitute a contract or promise to perform the services recommended therein. As such, no coverage can be changed or bound via this medium. Please contact our office for any and all additions or changes to your insurance coverage.

This website contains links to other websites and to material contained on other websites. J.J. Ruddy Insurance Agency, Inc. is not responsible for the content of such other websites and to the maximum extent permitted by law hereby disclaim any and all liability in respect to such content and of any other websites or content which you may be able to access from such websites.